New Beginnings

I've certainly cleaned the hallway, bathroom, kitchen, etc... many times at my studio, but today, it had a different feeling.  I don't know if it's because I spent my New Years Day cleaning the building and organizing my space, but somehow, I feel like this really is a new beginning.  I spent all of 2021 going through a reset.   I reset my assumptions about everything.  Friendships, services, do I really hate waxing, what I like about dermaplaning, and on and on.  I am coming into 2022 with a clear idea of what I want and a pathway to get there.  So today was very magical in doing the ordinary things that I've done dozens of times.  I had a deeper appreciation of my space, age, privilege, and many blessings.

I am ready to sparkle in 2022.  That's going to be my word for this year.  I spent the last six months of 2021 changing my diet and other bad habits.  Now, going into 2022, I am more aware of myself and what makes me happy.  I've set a goal for this summer, I want to be able to lift 30 pounds and join the Cincinnati Rowing Club.  I've always wanted to be a rower.  It looks like hard work, but something about being on the water seems energizing.  I'm scared to death of marine life, especially the giant old catfish that live in the rivers, but I will pass the swim test and row for fun.  I have no upper body strength, can barely open a jar, and have arthritis.  But there are senior levels that I can join, and I'm excited about it.  I've never really had a hobby, now I think I might develop one.  For some reason, I feel that the sparkle and shine of the water will inject into me, and that's what I want.   I want to sparkle and shine.  I feel like I haven't genuinely smiled in a very long time, and I'm ready for it.


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