
Vitamin Wash, Jojoba Oil, and Covershield Sunscreen are great initial products to try that cover the basics. 

I change my routine every few weeks because I love combining different protocols. Some of my constants are cleansing, removing my products with a sponge, and steaming my face with microfiber towels. The details depend on what time of year it is and what time of the evening I wash my face. If it's at sunset, I'm likely to do an extravagant routine. If it's after 10:00, I'm a basic girl. 

One thing that I do to prolong the amount of time that I work on my face is play music. Because I'm creating a routine, I associate certain songs with certain steps. A playlist creates a flow, forces a vibe, and I know what's coming next. It helps make my evening cleansing more like a date with my face.

You can purchase trial-size products and are invited to wash your face with me over Zoom or Facetime. Having someone there with you when using new products and introducing new techniques can be quite eye-opening for both of us. We both usually learn something new.

It's nice to ask questions in real-time and have someone who is monitoring how you're doing it. It's the best way for me to meet you where you are and make appropriate suggestions.


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